All new site has launched and I appreciate all the positive comments I've received! A sincere thank you to all that made the time to share their thoughts with me....glad you love it!
Now I'm having even more fun creating and am back to doing what I do best...letting my fingers do my talking!
One of my favorite characters is Jareth, The Goblin King, from the movie Labyrinth, played by David Bowie. I've studied him over the years, recently sat down at my studio workbench and decided to take a go at's the end result.....what do you think?

Here's Jareth relaxing with his best pal, Skull Under Glass.

And the Goblin King comes with his own crystal ball and crystal top walking stick.
Jareth is already on "sold/reserved" but I'm working on many new characters that might be a great fit in your miniature doll world. Please stop into my shop for a nice cup of tea and a chat with me,!
It's's hot out and inside my studio where the new creation ideas are brewing. Keep your eyes on my Etsy shop for more quirky furniture and dolls that speak to collectors the world over.