What is a Plague Doctor and what was their purpose? Many have been asking so I'm happy to share a brief history:
A Plague Doctor was a physician who treated victims of the bubonic plague. Many years later, the garments were invented by Charles de L'Orme in 1630 and were first used in Naples, but later spread to be used throughout Europe. The protective suit consisted of a light, waxed fabric overcoat, a mask with glass eye openings and a beak shaped nose, typically stuffed with herbs, straw, and spices.
Please enjoy a sampling of my totally poseable one of a kind (OOAK) Plague Doctors:

This is Mordred Bloodroot
In times of epidemics, these physicians were specifically hired by towns where the plague had taken hold. Since the city was paying their salary, they treated everyone, wealthy or poor.

Then there is Morpheus
Based on the Pandemic we're all face with world-wide, I decided to create and honor Plague Doctors for the role they played in treating the sick and saving lives many hundreds of years ago.

Edgar Hemlock

And Boris Goodnight
The response I've received from collectors the world over has been humbling in this year of change and surprise that has become a part of our daily lives. I'm grateful that so many have made the time to show favor on my Plague Doctor creations.
I hope that the weeks ahead will continue to get better for us all and that you'll be able to catch a break and stop in to my Etsy shop and my website for some good old fashion miniature art appreciation. We're always open to welcome visitors and both sites feature lots of quirky OOAK creations I'm known for. You'll find miniature dolls of all types, furnishings from beds to fireplaces , and bit & bobs that amaze.
As always for Questions - Commission Requests - Feedback or for more information on any of my creations, please email me, LoreleiBlu.
Here's to a hauntingly safe and healthy Halloween!
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